PFLOTRAN has exhibited excellent strong scaling (increasing number of processes on fixed problem size) for years. PFLOTRAN has been applied to a domain size with over 3.34 billion degrees of freedom and run on over 260,000 cores (without HDF5 output) on Jaguar at ORNL. Several examples of PFLOTRAN performance are shown below:
Hanford 300 Area (Flow)
Copper leaching
CO2-water multiphase
Multiple continuum model
Strong scaling performance comparison of the dual continuum algorithm to the single continuum formulation for a domain size of 3 million matrix degrees of freedom (or 1 million matrix grid cells). In this problem, reactive transport was not considered and only mass and energy balance equations for the working fluid were solved. For the dual continuum case only heat transfer was considered. As can bee seen from the figure, the two cases of dual continuum models scale similar to the single continuum case. In addition, for the case with 10 fracture nodes per matrix node, with the total number of degrees of freedom (matrix plus fracture) being 13 million, an increase of nearly 3 times, the additional computational time is negligible. When the number of fracture nodes per matrix node is increased to 100, the increase in computational time is less than 10%. In this case the total number of degrees of freedom is 103 million which is an increase of over a factor of 30.