Governing Equations

RICHARDS mode applies to single phase, variably saturated, isothermal systems. The governing mass conservation equation is given by


with Darcy flux q defined as


Here, ϕ denotes porosity [-], s saturation [m3 m3], η molar water density [kmol m3], ρ mass water density [kg m3], q Darcy flux [m s1], k intrinsic permeability [m2], kr relative permeability [-], μ viscosity [Pa s], P pressure [Pa], g gravity [m s2]. Supported relative permeability functions kr for Richards’ equation include van Genuchten, Books-Corey and Thomeer-Corey, while the saturation functions include Burdine and Mualem. Water density and viscosity are computed as a function of temperature and pressure through an equation of state for water. The source/sink term Qw [kmol m3 s1] has the form


where qM denotes a mass rate in kg/m3/s, and rss denotes the location of the source/sink.